Every new member will get a free shopping bag from Lucky Bundle.
Stay Updated
Member will get the latest news around our store, products, events and anything related to Lucky Bundle via WhatsApp and email.
Earn Points & Benefits
Member will be able to collect points through various online and offline activities at Lucky Bundle.
How to Sign Up for Membership
Without minimum purchase
At the cashier during checkout
Complete Data
Give your full name, WhatsApp number and Email (if you have)
Earn Points
10 points for every transaction of Rp 10,000.
100 points for every transaction of Rp 100,000.
Point Benefits
With minimum 500 points, you are able to:
Enter a raffle to win exclusive events, which is held ocassionally.
Enter a raffle to win exclusive event such as Zumba. The more points earned, the higher the chance to win.
With minimum 1000 points, you are able to:
Enter a raffle to win 30 minutes special access after the store is closed for public. The higher the points, the higher the chance to get chosen. We will choose not more than 7 winners per week. Winners are free to choose whatever day during the week.
Get a cashback worth Rp 30,000 with minimum spend of Rp 100,000.